Before we discuss what to do after AdSense approval, let’s first introduce what is the AdSense CPC (Cost per Click) and how it works presently.
AdSense is a platform or authority to approve any website to publish advertisements. If you apply, they review your website’s eligibility and quality. They are monitoring and manage the payment or earnings. It is a platform for publishers who can manage the advertisement on their website. You will earn 68% of CPC that is paid by the advertiser. Besides any advertisement clicks.
What to do after AdSense approval?
If you seem getting approved AdSense means you have won the money, no, you are wrong. Because after AdSense approval you need optimization in the fields I will explain.
Here I discussed what to do after AdSense approval and what should not do for your website or blog.
Decide the better option of Manual vs Auto Ads
After approval of AdSense, the most important thing is to prefer a manual or auto advertising system on your site.
Auto ads are super easy to process to set all types of Google ads. But you must abide by user compliance. A lot of ads may increase your website bounce rate.
It allows showing ads automatically on every page of your website. Even we don’t have to insert the ad code specifically into different places.
Another advantage, it doesn’t need to resize the ad image size and quality, the same thing for the ad size on the screen.
Which page you should show ads which not
A website is not only for AdSense blogging. It’s your business location headquarters. You may sell here your business service or product.
You can build a network for social awareness like for environmental or safety. Showing ads on the homepage is not professional allocation. In that case, the homepage ads look ugly and bouncy. It increases the bounce rate. The user doesn’t like ads on the homepage.
So you have to exclude specific pages like the checkout page, email subscription page, dashboard, and homepage. The proper place to insert the ads on the blog.
How to improve performance After AdSense Approval?
Increase CPC Rate
If you have not improved the relevancy, keyword opportunity, and content quality, you can’t raise the performance of your AdSense CPC.
When you can’t make money, then Money makes you frustrated. You might be demotivated to carry on. So it would help if you explored the increasing CPC strategy.
Optimize Keywords or topics after AdSense approval:
The keyword or topic is the key to enhancing your blog or website. If we want visitors from search engines, must have a good keyword optimization both new and existing.
You have known before, CPC depends on mostly keywords performance. Better keyword research brings better results. Using semantic keywords on every content increases a higher ranking.
Experiment and Testing
When you want a change you should do an experiment because all websites do not work with the same strategy. Without experiment, you would miss some opportunities. There has a tool to do it.
Customize or select the ad category you preferred those are related to your website content. Not showing irrelevant ads is the best practice for good outcomes and stability. You can experiment by selecting and blocking different categories and ad serving settings.
So after AdSense approval, your other mission is testing and experimenting. Then you can decide the steps you need to close.
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Optimize your content after AdSense approval
Your content is your identity. You know, ‘content is king’. Qualities content increase your visibility. You must carry on the content development after AdSense Approval. Good content means quality traffic, impressions, and page views. Good traffic is the Prerequisite for better earnings or high CPC. Lower or copy content may demotivate your efforts.
Track regularly
There are some tools on the AdSense website. That helps you to optimize your content opportunity, track your earnings, and other necessary actions. Every day you need to track earnings. You should connect your website to Google Analytics. It helps you to track the data of user behavior, traffic source, and channels. Google search console gives you the keyword performance status daily.
Understand the earning calculations after AdSense approval
There are a few calculations for revenue process as a given source of Google AdSense.
Page RPM is the earning per thousand views. It is calculated by estimated earning/number of page views)*100
Impression RPM is the impression revenue per thousand. It is the average earnings per 1k impressions.
Impression RPM = (Estimated earning/Impression)*1000
Active View Viewable is the percentage of viewable impressions out of all measurable impressions. This metric only includes impressions from AdSense for content, AdSense for video, and AdSense for games ad units; it excludes data from link units and dynamic allocation in Google Ad Manager.
So not, in conclusion, it is an inclusion that AdSense is the easiest platform to earn by blogging without sales. Keep in mind, that a higher CPC keyword helps to get better earnings, the low CPC-rated keywords bring on you low earnings.
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